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Engineer Reveals that Humans Can Observe Elusive Space-Time Structure Deformation Because the Universe “Sings”

Ted Sinoski BSc(EE), MSc(ME), MBA, an independent engineer, researcher, and violinist, has conducted independent research and discovered a unique way to “see” the structure of three-dimensional space (distortion) using sound. Tapping on and manipulating a small flat surface as a "probe," one can detect the manifestation of the space structure in three dimensions.

The engineer found that searching through a tapping technique, in organized patterns and with small steps on a surface while listening, Sinoski revealed recurring observations of four consecutive “pitch points.” When the source of the space non-uniformity is changed, or oscillated, with time, the space structure changes accordingly.

An observer of the space time structure can experience these louder “pitch point” sounds with differing characteristic pitches, which always sound as if separated by what is defined in music as 5ths, notes separated by five other notes. Surprisingly, even during different experimental situations, only a handful of characteristic patterns will be observed to recur because the "pitch sense vectors" have preferred directions.

“This incredible technique allows the space-time structure to be visualized experimentally for the first time,” said Sinoski. “The area around the pitch points also feels ‘stiffer’ when tapped. It requires just a wax marker or grease pencil, a flat smooth surface, such as acrylic and careful listening."

Sinoski, a professional engineer (EE, ME) and computer programmer, has invested many years of research into this discovery. He explained, “Seeing universal space-time is quite different from the suppositions that have been made in the past. The phenomenon is a sort of soliton surface acoustic wave that has to date gone unnoticed.”

Sinoski demonstrates tapping on a surface to reveal pitch sense vectors. “What's going on?” said Sinoski. “Try tapping on a desktop or a wall inside a house with your knuckles. You may notice that the sound of the impact, a kind of thud changes from location to location, but you do not notice a discernable pattern. That is because of ‘spatial aliasing.’” 

He continued, “The size of the impact area and the distance between impacts is too large to hear the detail in the sound that is present. Now try tapping in smaller steps of 1/32" or 1 mm, with the point of a pencil. The sound pattern is discernable. The pitch points are not pure tones but there is an identifiable, subtle change in perceived pitch and loudness, the same as when you tap with your knuckles.”

This discovery has many potential applications in engineering, science and the arts.  

For example, Sinoski, also an amateur violinist, uses this discovery to "re-voice" violins and other musical instruments, greatly improving their tone and playability.

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