Zurich Instruments is dedicated to improving the development of quantum technologies, and keeping this aspect in mind, it has launched the first commercial Quantum Computer Control System (QCCS). The following is an illustration of the entire quantum stack, emphasizing some of its most pertinent parts:
Image Credit: Zurich Instruments
The QCCS corresponds to the layer known as “Classical System Control, Software and Hardware,” and allows consistent measurement and control of a quantum device, while offering a clean software interface to the subsequent higher level in the quantum stack.
Zurich Instruments offers both software and hardware to allow scientists to upgrade their setups to a huge number of qubits and also reduce the associated complexity. The well-controlled interaction between all featured instruments provides the company’s customers a major benefit by allowing them to connect high-level quantum algorithms with their physical qubit implementation.
Key Features of QCCS
- A scalable and compact design—users can add new channels at any time
- Hardware specifications that correspond with the application: large bandwidth, high resolution, and low noise
- A software that boosts productivity—with the LabOne® software, high-level quantum algorithms can be efficiently connected with the analog signals from the quantum device
- A thought-through and tested systems method—accurate synchronization and advanced orchestration of all output and input channels.
QCCS Components
- The HDAWG Arbitrary Waveform Generator is a compact, high-density, eight-channel AWG well suited for qubit control
- Up to 18 HDAWGs can be synchronized and controlled with the programmable quantum system controller (PQSC)
- The LabOne® control software comes with APIs for C, Python, .NET, LabVIEW™, and MATLAB®
- Thanks to its advanced filter technology, the UHFQA quantum analyzer can read out up to 10 qubits concurrently
Image Credit: Zurich Instruments
Overview of QCCS
Qubit Control for 100 Qubits and More | Zurich Instruments Talk
Video Credit: Zurich Instruments
PQSC Programmable Quantum System Controller
The programmable quantum system controller (PQSC) brings together the instruments needed for quantum computers with a total of 100 qubits. The ZSync low-latency, real-time communication links of the PQSC have been particularly developed for quantum computing—the PQSC resolves the practical restrictions associated with conventional control techniques, thus making fast and automated qubit calibration procedures a reality.
Programming access to the robust Xilinx UltraScale+ FPGA is the foundation for creating novel and improved processing solutions—solutions that allow error correction and rapid adjustment adapted to the particular computer architecture and algorithm being used.
UHFQA Quantum Analyzer
The UHFQA quantum analyzer is a special instrument designed for parallel readout of a total of 10 spin or superconducting qubits with maximum fidelity and speed. It contains two signal outputs and inputs for IQ base-band operation and works on a frequency range of up to ±600 MHz with nanosecond timing resolution
Due to its state discrimination, real-time matrix operations, and low-latency signal processing chain of coordinated filters, the UHFQA quantum analyzer supports the development of aspiring quantum computing projects for 100 qubits and beyond.
HDAWG Arbitrary Waveform Generator
HDAWG High-Density Arbitrary Waveform Generator
With maximum channel density and the most sophisticated synchronization features available on the market, the HDAWG Arbitrary Waveform Generator is the preferred instrument for multi-channel applications with a total of 64 channels. An ultra-low trigger latency and the noise properties of the 2.4 GSa/second, 16-bit signal generation bring new levels of performance. The LabOne® control software also offers an efficient and intuitive way to program random signals.
Quantum Computing Control System